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Beyond the Headlines: Child Migrant Labor in Minnesota

Date: March 13, 2023 12:00 PM CT - 1:00 PM CT
Type: Virtual
Issues: Asylum , Migrant Rights , Workers' Rights

An explosive report in the New York Times found that hundreds of unaccompanied children are being exploited for their labor by some of America's biggest companies. The Times report follows a Polk-Award winning series by Reuters on child labor in the Hyundai-Kia supply chain. Child labor is only possible through multiple failures of the protection system to prevent such abuses.

Join The Advocates' attorneys Kim Boche, who represents unaccompanied children facing removal, and Lindsey Greising, who represents victims of labor trafficking, to understand how the legal system protects - or puts at risk - unaccompanied children. Moderated by Michele Garnett McKenzie, deputy director of The Advocates for Human Rights.

1 CLE credit applied for, event code 482993.