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Labor-Based Deferred Action Training for Lawyers, Investigators and Community Advocates

Date: September 21, 2023 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Type: CLE
Issues: Due Process and Fair Trial , Education , Migrant Rights

In January 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security created a new pathway to work authorization and temporary protection from deportation for workers involved in a labor dispute at their workplace.  Through the new program, workers can now request deferred action after a labor investigation agency submits a Statement of Interest. The purpose of the process is to promote fairness, safety, and a level playing field for all workers in the U.S. by strengthening labor agencies' ability to enforce labor and employment standards.The Binger Center for New Americans has partnered with The Advocates for Human Rights, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the Minnesota Office of the Attorney General and the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry to convene lawyers, labor investigators and community advocates to learn more about labor-based deferred action.  The training will include an overview of the deferred action process, an explanation of how each group plays a key role in the process and a chance to explore ways to collaborate to ensure eligible workers receive the support they need to apply.

Register on the UMN website here.