Women's Rights Fall House Party
Type: In Person
Issues: Women's Rights
Please join us on Thursday, September 26th, 2024
from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. to help advance the rights of women!
The Advocates invites you to a house party to advance the rights of women! Come learn about our work to promote the human rights of women in the U.S.A. and around the world. We analyze and help draft laws that promote the safety of women and girls. We monitor governments' response to violence against women and publish reports documenting how laws are implemented and making recommendations based on an international human rights framework.
Location: 1710 Knox Ave S in Minneapolis
Hosts: Jan Conlin and Gene Goetz
Co-Hosts: Alena Levina | Amy Swedberg | Cheryl Olseth & James Empson | David & Lynn Vander Haar | Gretchen Piper & Scott Rosenbaum | John Getsinger & Cathy Powell | Julianne Bye | Karen Evans | Kathleen Graham | Laura Delavie | Linda Svitak & David Feroe | Megan Walsh | Nancy Speer | Peggy Grieve | Sam & Char Myers | Jill & Larry Field | Louise Rosenbaum