The Advocates Celebrates Pride Month

In recognition of Pride Month, The Advocates recommits itself in defending the human rights of the LGBTIQ+ community around the world.
We work across programs to uphold the rights of LGBTIQ+ people and others who are experiencing violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics. The Advocates helps LGBTIQ+ migrants fleeing persecution find safety in the U.S. We partner with LGBTIQ+ human rights defenders to promote equality in their countries. We empower our LGBTIQ+ clients to share their lived experiences by participating in advocacy at the United Nations.
On May 17th, in honor of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), The Advocates hosted a presentation titled "United in Diversity: Fighting the Anti-Trans Movement". In it, we looked at the anti-trans movement in the United States, the impact of these laws on transgender people's lives, and how international human rights law addresses issues of gender identity and expression. Watch a recording of the presentation below: