Robin Phillips

Robin Phillips is the executive director of The Advocates for Human Rights. She has written extensively about human rights, including trafficking in women, employment discrimination, sexual harassment and domestic violence. She has conducted fact-finding missions to document human rights violations throughout Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Nepal, and Mexico. She has led delegations to Ghana and Liberia as part of The Advocates work with Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Phillips has organized international conferences and trainings on human rights and NGO development issues. In addition, she has taught courses on human rights at the University of Minnesota Law School and University of St. Thomas School of Law.
Prior to becoming The Advocates' executive director, she served as the organization's deputy director and director of its Women's Human Rights Program. Before landing at The Advocates, Phillips practiced law with Briggs and Morgan (now Taft) in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She received her law degree from Northwestern University School of Law and her B.A., magna cum laude, from Pepperdine University.
Human Rights in Ethiopia: Through the Eyes of the Oromo Diaspora. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2009. Written by Michele Garnett McKenzie, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips, Laura Provinzino, and Laura Young
A House with Two Rooms: Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia Diaspora Project. St. Paul, MN: DRI Press, 2009. Written by Robin Phillips et al.
Sex Trafficking Needs Assessment for the State of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, September 2008. Written by Angela Bortel, Mary Ellingen, Mary Ellison, Robin Phillips, and Cheryl Thomas
Implementation of the Bulgarian Law on Protection Against Domestic Violence: A Human Rights Report. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, March 2008. Written by Mary Ellingen, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips, Cheryl Thomas, and Genoveva Tisheva
The Government Response to Domestic Violence Against Refugee and Immigrant Women in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area: A Human Rights Report. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2004. Written by Molly Beutz, Aviva Breen, Mary Ellingen, Robin Phillips, Christine Tefft, and Cheryl Thomas
Domestic Violence in Poland. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2002. Written by Kristina Aberg, Johanna Bond, Anne Daughtery-Leiter, Jean Norton, Robin Phillips, and Rachel Taylor
Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Poland. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2002.** Written by Robin Phillips et al
Domestic Violence in Moldova. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2002. Written by Diane Kunst, Robin Phillips, and Malinda Schmiechen
Domestic Violence in Ukraine. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2000. Written by Suzanna Banwell, Erin Barclay, Elisabeth Duban, and Robin Phillips
Trafficking in Women: Moldova and Ukraine. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2000. Written by Suzanna Banwell, Robin Phillips, and Malinda Schmiechen
Domestic Violence in Armenia. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2000. Written by Belinda Cooper, Elisabeth Duban, and Robin Phillips
Domestic Violence in Uzbekistan. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2000. Written by Belinda Cooper, Elisabeth Duban, and Robin Phillips
"Violence Against Women as a Human Rights Abuse." Sourcebook on Violence Against Women. Sage Publications, 2000. Written by Johanna Bond and Robin Phillips
Sexual Harassment: Facts and Laws, Women and International Human Rights Law. Transnational Publishers, Inc., 1999. Written by Robin Phillips
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Bulgaria. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 1999. Written by Rachel Johnson and Robin Phillips
Domestic Violence in Macedonia. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 1998. Written by Karen Brooks, Robin Phillips, and Susannah Pollvogt
Domestic Violence in Albania. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 1996. Written by Elizabeth Bruch and Robin Phillips
Lifting the Last Curtain: A Report on Domestic Violence in Romania. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 1995. Written by Elizabeth Bruch, Robin Phillips, Anne Taylor, and Cheryl Thomas
* Dulce Foster, Dianne Heins, Mark Kalla, Michele Garnett McKenzie, James O'Neal, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips, Jennifer Prestholdt, Ahmed K. Sirleaf II, Laura A. Young. A House with Two Rooms: Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia Diaspora Project. St Paul, MN:DRI Press, 2009.
** Bond, Johanna, Mary Ellingen, Sameera Hafiz, Marlene Kayser, Robin Phillips, Meredith Rathbone, Malinda Schmiechen, Susan Strauss, and Anna Walkowska. Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Poland. Minneapolis, MN: The Advocates for Human Rights, 2002.
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Paving Pathways for Justice & Accountability: Human Rights for Diaspora Communities
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A Practitioner’s Guide to Human Rights Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy
January 3, 2011 -
A House with Two Rooms: Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia Diaspora Project
January 1, 2009 -
Sex Trafficking Needs Assessment for the State of Minnesota
October 1, 2008