Labor Trafficking Protocol Guidelines: Identifying and Responding to Victims of Labor Trafficking 24 Years Old and Under
Authors: Theresa Dykoschak, Madeline Lohman, Jennifer Prestholdt
Country: United States
Type: Protocol
Issues: Children's Rights, Human Trafficking, Migrant Rights, Minority Rights, Technical Assistance, Capacity Building, Training, Women's Rights, Workers' Rights
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The new Labor Trafficking Protocol Guidelines, released on January 31, 2019, are designed to help communities throughout Minnesota identify and respond to victims of labor trafficking, especially youth 24 years old and younger.
The protocol guidelines are based on information collected from over 100 professionals and trafficking experts throughout Minnesota, and reflect the needs of rural, suburban, and urban communities in addressing labor trafficking.
Some of the highlights of the protocol guidelines include:
- Worksheets and tools to begin crafting a coordinated response;
- Guidance for screening and identifying victims of labor trafficking;
- An overview of services that victims may need;
- Information on criminal and civil penalties for traffickers;
- Special considerations for minors, foreign nationals, and victims with disabilities; and
- Guidance for key sectors including law enforcement, prosecutors, health care, victim advocates, housing, legal services, and the child welfare system