United States
International Mechanism Submissions
International Mechanism Submission Deadlines
200+ Organizations Have Signed Onto a Letter Urging the USCIS To Eliminate the Work Permit Backlog
AHR Welcomes Announced Immigration Policies; Continues to Call on the U.S. to Respect Migrant Rights
Playing Political Games with the Lives of People Seeking Safety Is Not Border Security
AHR Denounces the Biden Administration’s Ongoing Efforts to Negotiate Away Migrant Rights
The Advocates for Human Rights Condemns Abandonment of Commitment to Migrant Rights by Congress
A+ Results
Advocates Archive: Moving from Exclusion to Belonging: Immigrant Rights in Minnesota Today (2014)
Advocates Call for Passage, Not Political Games, with Reintroduction of Afghan Adjustment Act
The Advocates Reacts to Federal Findings, Calls for End Discriminatory Police Practices
UN Experts make historic visit to the Twin Cities
2018 - Gail Irish
1998 - Marlene Kayser
2011 - Bill Cameron
The Advocates Condemns Reported Biden Administration Plans to Reinstate Family Detention
The Advocates Condemns Proposed Asylum Ban, which Violates Law, Risks Harm to Countless Lives
AHR Calls on Biden Admin. to Ensure Proposed Border Policies Fully Comply with Legal Obligations
The Advocates Condemns Dobbs, Calls for Vigilance in Ensuring U.S. Does Not Violate Human Rights
The Advocates Condemns Court Order Continuing Title 42
Call on Congress to Protect Our Afghan Allies and Neighbors: Support the Afghan Adjustment Act
The Advocates Supports Legislation to Strengthen Accountability for Labor Trafficking in Minnesota
The Advocates Joins Call on DHS to Prioritize Protection, Due Process in Immigration Enforcement
MN Reps Kelly Moller, Marion O'Neill to Receive The Advocates' Gold WATCH Award Wednesday
The Advocates for Human Rights Condemns President Trump’s Executive Order to Halt Immigration
Dignity for All: World Day Against the Death Penalty highlights detention conditions on death row
This American Family
Human Rights Coloring Sheet
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: All About Me! Grades K-2
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Musical Chairs Human Rights Essay. Grades 3-5
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Human Rights, Responsibility, and You. Grades 6-8
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: The People Behind the Statistics. Grades 8-12
Classroom Resource
Practice Advisory: Biden Asylum Ban
Tool or Factsheet
Afghan Adjustment Act: Take Action - Resource
Client Resource
Understanding Immigration Bonds
Tool or Factsheet
Witness to Immigration Court: Stakeholder Report from the Immigration Court Observation Project
Factsheet: How to Immigrate to the United States
Tool or Factsheet
Factsheet: The Rights of Migrants
Tool or Factsheet
Lesson Plan: Learning about Human Migration from Butterflies. Grades K-2
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Fleeing for Your Life. Grades 6-8
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Migrants in the Media. Grades 9-12
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Traveling Suitcases. Grades 3-5
Classroom Resource
Understanding Your Right to an Attorney in Immigration Court
Tool or Factsheet
Entendiendo tu derecho a un abogado en la Corte de Inmigracion
Tool or Factsheet
Teaching Immigration with the Immigrant Stories Project Lesson Plans
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery
Classroom Resource
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors in Minnesota: For Teachers
Tool or Factsheet
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors in Minnesota: General Audience
Tool or Factsheet
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors in Minnesota: For Health Care Workers
Tool or Factsheet
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors in Minnesota: For Hotel Staff
Tool or Factsheet
Labor Trafficking Self-Assessment Card
Tool or Factsheet
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors: Tips for Working with Survivors
Tool or Factsheet
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbors: Legal Definitions
Tool or Factsheet
Rights Sites News: The Rights of the Child in the United States
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Racial Discrimination in the U.S.
Classroom Resource
Factsheet: Human Trafficking in Minnesota
Tool or Factsheet
Factsheet: The Rights of the Child
Tool or Factsheet
Lesson Plan: Who Matters? Grade K-3
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Who is Responsible for Children’s Rights? Grades 8-12
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the U.S.
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Social Emotional Learning
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Water. Grades K-2
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: You, Your Stuff, and the Environment
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: What does Sovereignty Look Like?
Classroom Resource
Energy of a Nation: Immigrants in America - A Teaching Guide for Grade 8 through Adult
Classroom Resource
Factsheet: Death Penalty in the U.S.
Tool or Factsheet
Rights Sites News: The Rights of Refugees
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: The Right to Health
Classroom Resource
Take Action the Death Penalty
Tool or Factsheet
Rights Sites News: Service-Learning: Taking Action for Human Rights
Classroom Resource
Documenting the Implementation of Domestic Violence Laws: A Human Rights Monitoring Methodology
Rights Sites News: The Right to a Clean Environment
Classroom Resource
Factsheet: Right to Education
Tool or Factsheet
Human Rights Toolkit
Tool or Factsheet
Factsheet: Immigration Detention and the Rights of Migrants
Tool or Factsheet
Factsheet: Talking Immigration
Tool or Factsheet
Rights Sites News: Freedom of Religion or Belief
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Bullying and Human Rights
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: The Rights of Workers
Classroom Resource
Reasonable Efforts or Unrealistic Expectations: a Look at Hennepin County Child Protection Cases
Rights Sites News: The Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Musical Chairs Human Rights Essay. Grades 3-5
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Challenge the Media Grades K-5
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Voices of Iraqi Refugees - Making a Connection
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Voices of Iraqi Refugees - Visualizing Iraq
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Beyond Pink and Blue: The Impact of Gender Stereotypes
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Challenge the Media Grades 5-8
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Barriers to Education within a U.S. High School
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Barriers to the Right to Food in the U.S.
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Equal Access to Health Care in the United States
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Barriers to the Right to Housing
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Challenge the Media Grades 9-12
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: The Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Understanding Modern-Day Slavery
Classroom Resource
Lesson Plan: Voices of Iraqi Refugees - Iraqi Voices
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Girls' Rights Edition
Classroom Resource
Factsheet: Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Tool or Factsheet
Rights Sites News: Steps to Becoming a Human Rights Educator
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: The Arts Edition
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Human Rights Heroes Edition
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Immigration Edition
Classroom Resource
Rights Sites News: Child Soldiers Edition
Classroom Resource
Teaching Guide: The Road to Peace (Local and Global Transitional Justice)
Classroom Resource